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10 Commandments of Waxing (For Estheticians)

10 Commandments of Waxing (For Estheticians)

As you all know, Starpil Wax is well-seasoned in the beauty industry - they say 30 is the new 20 and we are looking better than ever. We just celebrated our 35th anniversary so you can only imagine the wealth of knowledge that we hold on our unlimited supply of spatulas.

We believe in creating consistent and successful esthetician waxing experiences so today we share with you our rules to always having positive results. Here are 10 (foolproof) Starpil Commandments of Waxing for licensed estheticians that have kept us thriving throughout the years.

  • Thou shall perfect technique.

    Pick the waxing technique that you feel most comfortable with after trying out all of your options. Do your best to excel at that technique to your highest ability. Do not flip-flop, this is what you are going to be successful at so put all your energy and time into that specific waxing method which you will conquer!

  • Thou shall know all formulas.

    You have to know your wax like the back of your hand. Whether it’s soft wax, hard wax or specialized blends, you must know all of the ingredients, benefits, instructions, and side effects of that wax. You are a professional so you have to be educated in everything about the products that you are using on your clients. If you want to be the best in the game you better everything there is to know about our Coral, Blue, Pink, Starsoft, and Original blend wax so if you don’t get to it now!

  • Thou shall be versed in all products.

    Anything that you are putting on a client’s body needs to be the right product for their body. You should know all pre and post product options for all skin types. Pick the ones that work best for you and stick to them since you don’t want to keep switching which may irritate your clients with the use of various products. Our Starpil Pre & Post products work like a dream.

  • Thou shall never double-dip.

    That’s a no brainer as you never want to be the cause for someone’s infection. Don’t put yourself in that situation by contaminating your wax. Use fresh new Starpil spatulas every time you wax to avoid giving your clients blisters, boils, or any other types of unpleasant issues that happen when one double-dip the wax. The Starpil Wooden Spatulas are reasonably priced so stock up to never run out. 

  • Thou shall strategize.

    Be organized at all times with your appointments so you don’t stress out thus causing unnecessary issues for yourself, your business, or your clients. Plan your work schedule at your own pace. Do not overextend yourself by double booking, agreeing to things you know you can’t commit to and most of all be honest with your clients. Structure is key to having it all!

  • Thou shall cleanse.

    It’s imperative that keep your waxing work station clean at all times for obvious reasons. Sometimes you might get overwhelmed or you might forget but this is not an exception. Between sessions make sure that you sterilize and refresh your studio always. You have to present yourself in the utmost pristine way to get that positive feedback. Especially when you are performing a Brazilian wax experience for someone, please make sure your treatment table has a fresh new paper roll on it.

  • Thou shall have etiquette.

    Always make sure you are providing your clients with a relaxing and delightful esthetician waxing experience. You want to make sure the lighting is just right, the music is copesthetic, and the scent in your studio is pleasant. If they need water, a pain reliever, or tissues, you better have it nearby and always offer - it’s just being polite. In general, there is a certain level of Brazilian wax etiquette and male waxing etiquette that you should abide by.

  • Thou shall warn.

    There may be waxing side-effects for some like those annoying and pesky ingrown hairs so be prepared to give your clients suggestions on how to relieve their discomfort. Let your customers know that if they are faced with this issue that they should use the Starpil Hair Puller. Our ingrown hair remedy is made with natural ingredients that release trapped hairs and reduce blotchiness as well as irritation.

  • Thou shall not doubt.

    Never ask your clients about waxing preferences, meaning, which way to wax or how they like their wax done. Not only is that unprofessional but it is extremely frowned upon. You should be well informed on what direction to wax the hair, what products to use, and how to finalize the esthetician waxing experience. There shouldn’t be any questions about waxing otherwise you need to step away from the treatment table.

  • Thou shall never give up.

    No hair left behind. No matter the waxing request You can do it! Sometimes you might have an off day, maybe the warmer isn’t syncing with your wax for some reason, or you get a call for a manzilian and start having a panic attack. Don’t throw in the towel. Believe in yourself and do what you have to do to make that appointment happen. Be confident in your skill because you will successfully accomplish it. Don’t have a defeatist attitude. Stay positive and make sure your confidence shines through because your clients can feel your energy.

    No one ever said being an esthie is easy. We all wear capes so stay strong, work hard, and WAX ON!

    Follow these Starpil Esthie Rules of Waxing to guarantee that you will be a successful waxing professional. We will be posting more esthetician tips and esthetician waxing suggestions in our upcoming blogs so stay tuned.

    Happy Waxing!


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