Beauty Industry: The New Normal

Have you prepared yourself for the changes that lay ahead?
Your salon will be opening its doors soon, do you have your salon checklist ready? You’ll have to consider extra safety precautions to ensure that your clients are comfortable for their return. They can’t wait to see their favorite esthetician!
Here is a list with a few things we consider essential when welcoming back your clients -
It’s important to have a well-organized waxing station when you will be faced with non-stop appointments. Think about all of the clients that will be desperate to get rid of the unwanted body hair they grew during the quarantine. All of your tools need to be cleaned, within reach, and displayed neatly for easy pick-up.
Your wax pots should be filled with heated wax, pre & post products alongside cotton rounds, and spatulas lined up in a row for a quick grab. You also want to make sure that your clients see the extra safety measures that you have taken to keep your station fully sanitized for their piece of mind.
Here’s an example of a well maintained and organized waxing room...
Will you be able to handle all of your client’s needs at once? Challenge accepted! You have to be ready to service your clients with various skin and hair types. You will also have intimate & full body waxing requests.
We highly recommend having several wax pots with different types of wax to accommodate your client’s special servicing needs. Our stripless, elastic, highly-effective natural hard wax allows you to remove hair efficiently and with ease.
Sanitize, reorganize, replenish all your workstation essentials.
Reorder and restock your must-have Starpil products.
Pre-book your clients ahead of time.
Yin-Yang Sale is going on now!
15% off these selected items for a limited time.