How a Large Wax Warmer can Impact Your Earning Potential

If you do high-volume body waxing, there’s no question that you need a large wax warmer in your life. For those who have started noticing an uptick in your client volume but are still on the fence about moving into a larger wax pot, we’re going to show you how to make the transition and go for the gold!
There’s no question that having a large wax pot can up-level your service game and we’ll show you why that is. We’ll dive into all of the benefits of having one by calculating how quickly it pays for itself and go over how to choose the best large electric wax heater for your business.
What is the Best Wax Warmer?
Have you heard the phrase, ‘dress for the job you want to have?’ Well, we apply that same energy to the words, “get the warmer for the number of clients you want to have.” The best wax warmer is going to be the one to best serve your growing client volume.
Even if you feel like you don’t have the client volume to facilitate a large hard wax warmer, we’d take the “if you build it, they will come” approach and make our marketing and client retention skills our top priorities to draw more clients in. And if you have a large professional wax pot, you’ll be ready for them.
Yes, going bigger may mean having to put some extra pep into your hustle, but stepping out of your comfort zone, to the other side, might mean stepping up to success.
When and if you have the client volume to facilitate a large wax pot, you won’t have to continually fill it up over and over. While a smaller warmer can go the distance for back-to-back facial waxing, it can only handle about two full leg wax services before needing to refill.
Having the larger warmer can help you through a full leg day (about eight leg-waxing services) before needing to refill at the end of your shift. If you were doing bikini waxing, you could handle about 45 of those services before needing to re-up.
What if we were to translate those services into profits? Below, we dive into what those services would garner you and show how quickly you could make up your initial large electric wax heater cost.
How Much Can a Larger Wax Warmer Earn You?
If you calculate your initial investment of a large wax warmer and a five-pound bag of Blue Film Hard Wax with the number of services you can get from them at the price you set, you can see just how much profit you can make.
Here, we’ll take the most popular services and break down the profits made from your wax and large professional wax pot. (Prices are placeholders and approximate).
A 5lb Large Wax Warmer can hold over five pounds of stripless wax. A large five-pound wax warmer costs about $220, plus a five-pound bag of film hard wax, which can start at $80. There are approximately 2268 grams in five pounds.
Typically, a full leg wax service uses about 280 grams of hard wax or a little over one cup of stripless hard wax beads. This amount can perform eight leg waxes. A typical full leg wax price could be around $65 for this service. $65 x 8 leg waxes equals $520. When you subtract your initial investment from your wax and large hard wax warmer, you garner yourself a $300 profit.
Bikini line services use roughly about 50 grams of wax per wax service or a 1/4 cup of stripless blue hard wax beans. You would be able to get about 45 bikini line waxes with a 5lb bag of our blue wax beans and a 5lb large wax warmer. If you were only to use the bag and warmer for bikini line services and charged $25 per service, you would make $1125. $1125 minus your initial $320 would garner you a profit of $805.
What Is The Best Professional Wax Warmer?
Always pick the best professional wax warmer for your client volume and to cater to the majority of services you offer. In the case of owning a larger wax warmer, sometimes bigger does mean better. For example, our smaller hard wax warmers are made with professional-grade technology to provide you with the best wax meltdown.
Still, because a large professional wax pot has more work to do, the technology used has to be pushed further to meltdown the larger quantities of wax just as fast (or faster) than smaller wax warmers.
If you’re spending the extra money on expanding to a large electric wax heater, you’ve got to make sure that it does, in fact, use the best heating systems to get the job done well and fast.
When shopping for a larger warmer, be sure to look for wax pots that feature heating coils that surround the wax well instead of only being present at the bottom. The heating mechanisms need to wrap around the wax to warm larger quantities in a short amount of time.
When going for that “added leg room” in a warmer, do your research and read your colleagues’ reviews. Look at warranties and service policies, and note the customer service of the company you’re choosing to buy from.
Are they known to be helpful or non-existent? Good customer service matters, especially when purchasing a higher-ticket item.
If you’re looking for the best large professional wax pot, we’ve got you covered. Check out our five and ten-pound wax warmers and decide which one is right for you.
Starpil 5lb Large Wax Warmer
Dubbed "The Esthie Bestie," our 5lb large wax warmer offers a convenient way to keep over five pounds of film hard wax ready for any waxing service. Its outer aluminum shell and inner insulation lock-in the heat from the “coffee cup” style copper coils that wrap around wax to melt it down in under 30 minutes. The rapid-response heating dial can quickly take you from 45°C to 105° in no time.
Oh yeah, every purchase of a large five-pound wax warmer comes with a complimentary 2.2 bag of your choice of either Starpil Blue Film Hard Wax, Pink Film Hard Wax, or Black Film Hard Wax beads.
Final Thoughts
No matter where you get your large wax warmer from, following these tips is paramount to getting it right. If you are going to go for it, don’t skimp on the price in exchange for a low-quality warmer, and never accept low-quality customer service for such an investment.
If you’ve worked with Stapril before in any capacity, you know who’s got you covered when you’re making big moves for your business.
What do you think about Starpil hard wax warmers? Are you thinking of making an upgrade? If so, go into our Facebook Group, The World of Waxing, and discuss it with your fellow professionals.
You can also talk to a Starpil Pro Account Manager, and they can set you up with everything you need and even specialty pricing! Find out how and more by getting in with the rest of our Starpil Fam.
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