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Q&A with Wax Specialist, Melissa Eichner

Melissa Eichner is the owner of DownUnder Waxing, a hair removal wax salon located in Bend, Oregon. She is a free-spirit wanderer who is enamored by new marketing ideas for her business and is always striving to grow and prosper. Melissa is originally from Australia and immigrated to the United States to start her waxing career. In Australia, she studied finance and worked in the franchise world before her change in career. At one point she was juggling two businesses and raising a growing family.

Instagram: @downunderwaxing

Once moving to Bend, she knew that she had to open up her own waxing studio and felt that it was the perfect time to do so. Melissa uses Starpil wax at DownUnder Waxing and is she and her clients are in love with the brand and the wax. We got together with Melissa to talk about how it was to open up her new wax studio and how Starpil has played a role in her success.

What got you into waxing/esthetics?

I was born and raised in the Australian "bush." No surprise that hair plucking comes naturally.

When "Jungle Wax", my favorite wax studio was put on sale in my small town in rural Australia, I got curious about the artistry of depilatory waxing. After moving to the US and trying to figure out what I wanted the next step in my life to be, the idea of waxing kept coming to me. 

What made you want to start your own business? 

I owned two franchises in Australia and have concluded that I'm far more passionate about growing my own business than being an employee and growing it for someone else. Moving to the US was a new opportunity to identify the things I liked in owning franchises and tweaking what I didn't.

I also wanted to brand myself and showcase what makes me unique. Unlike with the franchises, I can leverage myself and grow DownUnder Waxing in multiple ways and at any speed I desire.

What were some obstacles/challenges of staring your business? 

The biggest obstacle to getting started was obtaining my esthetics license while working full time and being a single mother of three children.

After inspirational conversations with people about my plan to open up my own studio, I was told about a part time accelerated course in a city three hours away from where I live that I completed and learned a lot from. Once I finished this course, I was one step closer to opening up my own place!

When and how were you first introduced to Starpil?

There was limited waxing training in school and the wax that they used wasn't very impressive. I had been waxed before and asked enough questions to find a wax that was okay, but I still wasn't completely sold based on price and some aspects that I thought could be improved upon.

After searching lots of wax related topics, the Facebook gods seemed to know that I was on the hunt because Starpil kept coming up in my feed. After I tried a sample, I knew that it had to be the primary wax for my new business!

How has Starpil impacted your success?

Starpil is a company that offers a wide range of high-quality depilatory waxes. They are reliable and consistent in everything they do and always provide exceptional customer service and support. Starpil also has an amazing wholesale program, in which you are given a Personal Account manager that ensures you receive your new order before you run out of supply.

Personal Account Managers also provide inside scoops on all the latest deals and promotions! After trying this wax for the first time, I was sold because of their quality, price, and options to choose from.

What are your favorite Starpil waxes and why?

I have full confidence in my ability which is in good part based on my confidence in the products that I use. I use the blue hard wax for all my Brazilians because It is always reliable, and I can count on its ease of use and consistent temperature. My clients also love how gentle it is on their skin and how beautiful it looks once melted.

The blue hard wax is also a very elastic formula which facilitates its use. I can also apply multiple strips at once if needed as the wax does not break or crack quickly. Starpil’s pink hard wax and Starsoft clear wax are also great formulas that I recommend.

What is one fun fact about you?

My tag line is " go from the bush to brazil". Funny on its own but funnier since I lived in the "bus" in rural Australia!


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