How to Do a Manzilian Wax - The Complete Guide
Just as women tend to pay attention and take care of their hair growth in general, men have begun to as well - including manscaping. As it becomes more and more of the social norm for men to engage in regular grooming routines, manzilian waxing, or a male version of a bikini wax or male Brazilian wax, has risen in popularity.
Because a lot of men regularly go to barbershops for a hot towel shave or are aware of the benefits of facials, brow grooming, and male chest or back waxing, it’s natural that manzilians or other pubic area waxing routines would be a natural progression.
In this guide, we’ll go over all of the ins and outs of what goes into a manzilian wax, plus everything that a male Brazilian wax is. We'll also dispel some of the taboos surrounding it, discuss client education, and the best pre and post-wax care routine.
What Does a Male Brazilian Wax Include?
So, what is a manzilian wax? Much like a traditional full Brazilian wax on a woman, a manzilian, brozilian wax, or a guyzilian involves complete hair removal surrounding the upper thighs, pubic mound, genitalia, and butt crack.
There is waxing around the bikini line with women, but for men, a male bikini wax can be referred to as a brief wax if you’re trying to pander to a sensitive audience. More often than not, a Brazilian wax for guys will include leaving some hair on the pubic mound or a male landing strip.
Is it Weird for a Guy to Get a Brazilian Wax?

All kinds of men get male genital waxing done. It is not uncommon for men to get groomed below the belt, and it’s becoming more popular by the day. However, it can be uncomfortable for some female waxers to offer male genital waxing.
If they feel that a manzilian would create a threatening or highly awkward situation, they most likely won’t provide the service. Therefore, those offering it should be comfortable.
If you’re curious about providing or receiving the service, here are some of the things you’ll want to know. Let’s just get this out of the way; an erection is common during a manzilian wax, but ripping out hair when waxing testicles can be the opposite of an aphrodisiac. Some men get an erection because they’re nervous or for no reason at all.
Waxers need to use their best judgment if they feel like a male client is making them uncomfortable. Men, try to keep yourself calm and casual - no weird stuff! If an erection happens and the client is embarrassed or apologetic, reassure them in the same way you would when a woman passes gas. If it’s an issue, you can leave the room until they can get it under control.
What are the Benefits of a Male Brazilian Wax?
Just like women, many men go in for a manzilian wax because they’d rather have a professional do it instead of themselves. A male Brazilian can make one feel cleaner, fresher, and of course, find it looks and feels more attractive to their partner.
As men’s hair can be even more thick and coarse, the manizilian waxing area is more prone to ingrown hairs and acne after shaving, making a manzilian wax a far more superior method of hair removal. Because of these reasons, including a manzilian wax and male bikini wax in your service offerings can be very lucrative and rewarding for any waxing business.
You can offer a manzilian wax as a part of your men's full body wax services, as well as various male bikini wax options.

READ: Complete Bikini/Brazilian Waxing Guide
Some Differences Between Waxing Men and Women
Besides gender taboos and the difference in genitalia, the differences between intimate female and male waxing can often come down to the individual.
Perhaps we should ask what the differences are between a good and a not-so-great client. You can’t always tell if a client will become a regular, if they’ll tip, buy a product, or refer you to their friends. The best advice we have for you is to give the same excellent service, education, and product recommendations you would give to your female clients to your male clients as well.
Just as intimate waxing can differ from client to client, some men’s delicate areas can have a lot of excess skin, be wrinkled or dry. The trick is to know that most of your job is problem-solving, no matter who you’re waxing.
Each person holds a different threshold for pain, has different hair and skin types or personalities. Approach each client according to those factors and work to figure out their concerns and needs, no matter what gender they identify as.
How to Prepare your Client for a Manzilian Wax

When a client books for a male Brazilian, it’s essential to give them all of the information they need before arriving for their service, from pre-wax care and what to expect to their aftercare so that they can plan ahead. Here is a list of FAQs that you’re going to want to provide someone before their manzilian wax.
How Long Does a Manzilian Wax Last?
Each individual’s hair growth is different, but a manzilian may stay completely smooth for two weeks before stubble appears. The average time between waxing is between four to six weeks.
How Long Does Hair Need to Be for a Manzilian Wax?
For best results, hair needs to be ¼ of an inch or longer for proper removal.
Does a Brazilian Wax for Guys Hurt?
Depending on your pain threshold, male waxing can hurt for some more than others. The first time can be more uncomfortable than the next time, but it gets easier when you schedule regular visits and stay away from shaving.
Avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol before your appointment and take an anti-inflammatory (like Ibuprofen) an hour before you arrive. It’s never as bad as you think it will be.
What is Proper Etiquette When Receiving a Manzilian?
It begins with removing your clothes to avoid getting any wax on them and to give full access to the work. Act the same way you would act with your doctor. Keep “things” close to your body and be mindful of personal space. Let your waxer move around you and just relax.
Really, the etiquette for male or female Brazilian waxing is similar. The same rules apply!
However, there are some crucial etiquette tips that may especially apply to men. For example, please don’t come to the salon for your manzilian right after playing a game of football with your friends or weightlifting at the gym.
Not only does this make for a more smelly waxing service for your esthetician, but it also makes for a more challenging one! Sweat can affect how well wax adheres to your hair. Though just a walk from the car into the salon can create some sweat in your groin area, it’s nothing like the amount of sweat a workout will cause.
Also, please don’t have any beer, or alcohol in general, before your appointment. It might seem like a good idea to help minimize pain, but alcohol can actually make for a more painful experience as it constricts the pores your hair follicles are being pulled from.
For a more in-depth look at Brazilian etiquette, whether you are male or female, take a peek at our Brazilian wax etiquette blog. It covers these points and many more!
What to Expect from Your Manzilian Wax
You will receive a towel for modesty and help keep parts out of the way and the skin taut. The area will be cleansed and prepared using a pre-wax gel to proceed with the waxing.
Looking for the best pre-wax gel for your manzilian services? Try out Starpil’s Original Pre-Wax Gel or for more sensitive skin, our Calendula or Starsoft Pre-Wax Gel.
You will need to be moved into some humbling positions for complete access to the areas. After-care treatments like oil follow your hair removal to remove any wax residue or specific lotions to speed skin recovery.
If you are offered any at-home care, like a Brazilian Waxing Mask, take it! These also speed healing and reduce ingrown hairs and acne after waxing. Taking care of this area and following protocol helps keep skin and hair in their best shape for future appointments.
How Long Does a Manzilian Wax Take?
The length of your service is dependent on hair thickness, density, and the area it covers. Overall, a Brazilian wax for guys can take between 40 minutes to an hour to complete.
What do I Need to Know Before My Service?
Please come freshly showered, free from lotions or oils, and in loose-fitting clothes made from cotton materials. Exfoliate the area the day before and be sure to have the hair be at least as long as a grain of rice. Don’t worry about trimming.
READ: Don’t Go to the Wax Salon without These Tips
What Happens if I Get Aroused During My Treatment?
It happens all the time, and sometimes it can help make the skin taut for a better waxing experience, so no need to be embarrassed. However, if a technician finds someone mistaking the service as a sexual situation or not complying with what your provider needs you to do to provide the service, they have the right to refuse service. Aside from that, just breathe, try to relax, and avoid clenching the body so that the hair is easier to remove, and it’ll be all good.
How to Do a Male Brazilian Wax
Wondering what the best process is to carry out a comfortable and efficient manzilian wax? We’ve got you covered in the following steps:
Skin Prepping for a Manzilian Service:
To start, if your client’s groin area and hair are extremely dry, apply a wax-care oil according to the client’s skin type to soften hair to avoid breakage and bring the skin back to center.
Then, cleanse, disinfect and protect the skin. Any pre or post-wax care from the Starpil Starsoft Collection will help relieve pain and provide the gentlest experience for your client.
What is the Best Wax for a Manzilian service?
Only use the highest-quality wax for your manzilian waxing services.
One of the best waxes for manzilian services is Starpil's Black Hard Wax. It’s incredibly gentle, but an excellent wax for men because it’s strong enough for thicker, coarser hair while being precise at getting the fine hairs growing in the most sensitive spots.
Of course, Starsoft Film Hard Wax or Calendula Film Hard Wax can also provide the grit needed to gently get hair at the root and reduce pain when doing a brazilian.
READ: How to Wax: A Step by Step Guide
How to Position a Man for a Brazilian Wax
Clients need to be involved with their manzilian wax to keep their bits in check and taut during their appointment. It’s up to you to be as communicative as possible about how your client should be moving to provide you the best access to the areas you need to focus on.
It never hurts to explain the entire process, including positioning, before the service begins. If your clients go into the waxing service knowing what positions they need to get into and how you will flow with the service from start to finish, they will be more apt to:
1. Having less of an uncomfortable experience,
2. Be a lot more cooperative, and give you the best access to the area that needs to be exposed in the least amount of time.
These factors will contribute to their happiness from the service as well as helping you move flawlessly along to the next client that is waiting for you.
So, what’s the best game plan for a manzilian?
Best Manzilian Wax Positioning
When doing a manzilian wax, it's best to work from the back to the front and from the inside outward.
For complete access to their butt crack and depending on your dominant hand (right-handed/left side, left-handed/right side), it’s recommended to have them lay on their right or left side with their head at the top of the waxing table facing away from you.
Ask the client to pull their outer leg into their stomach. Have them hold the outer buttock up and open for complete access while holding their testicles taut with their bottom hand. This is one of the most comfortable positions for the client while being the most accessible for you.
You can also have the client lie down with the soles of their feet together in a butterfly position for complete access. Ask them spread their feet more apart if needed.
How to Wax Testicles
For some, the scrotum’s skin can be very thin and can be pulled taut without injury. Be mindful to apply as little pressure as possible on the testicles. Have them hold their shaft with the towel. Outstretch the skin and apply the wax in long, narrow strips for the best control over application and removal.
Waxing the Shaft
The base of the shaft is where the hair would be leading into the testicles. The direction of hair growth can be varied, just take your time and have the client cover what they can with the towel for modesty and keep themselves stationary.
Waxing the Pubic Mound
Have the client hold their penis downward to allow access to the pubic mound and above.
Manzilian Post-Wax Care
Remind your client that they should never shave between waxes if they want to keep minimizing their hair growth through repeat visits. Explain to them how it can increase their chances of ingrown hairs and acne after waxing.
Educate clients on the Starpil Brazilian Waxing Mask benefits and offer to apply one to them as a post-wax care treatment and one use for at-home use. Include education on the Starpil Ingrown Hair Serum and the Post-Wax Intensive Care Lotion.
For regular post-wax care, make sure to educate them on not only the process itself, but also which products to use. For the best post-wax Manzilian care, use Starpil’s Original Post-Wax Lotion or Starsoft Post-Wax Lotion. If clients are particularly prone to breakouts or ingrowns, use our Calendula Post-Wax Mousse.
Include all of the information you would share with a female Brazilian waxing client about avoiding the gym for a day or any other bacteria-promoting activities.
It’s also crucial to explain the value of exfoliation post waxing. You probably already explained that they should have exfoliated about a day before waxing, but exfoliating after waxing is just as important, if not more important.
More often than not, men are getting a Brazilian wax done to avoid the risk of cuts from their razor as well as preventing razor burn, bumps, and ingrowns. If they don’t follow a regular routine of exfoliating, starting 2-3 days after their wax, they could be at more of a risk for the occurrence of these irritants.
For more information on exfoliation and waxing, review our blog.
Final Thoughts
To recap, only offer this service if you feel comfortable. Many esthies cater to men and find them to be loyal, respectful clients. So, if you’re open, feel free to challenge your preconceived notions and provide a male Brazilian wax.
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